Epileptic Digital Cloud

The following project was an outcome of a Action Research Studio Project designing an Inclusive immersive experience. An app concept that will run of the purpose of ‘keeping players with epilepsy safe is important’ running off Bluetooth and connecting to the individual’s headset and devices used during game time. Creating that full inclusive immersive and safe environment for gamers living with epilepsy.

Inspiration of the App Design.

The niche detected through depth of research and interviews of epilepsy and the gaming world. The gap within the digital gaming world detected which is the only support for individuals suffering was a pre warning pop up banner displaying ‘PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING - A small percentage of people may experience seizures when exposed to certain lights, patterns or images, even with no history of epilepsy or seizures’.

So how can an app concept be designed to aid users of the gaming world suffering from the disorder feel and play like every other individual without the constant concern of a potential triggered seizure and look out for the pre-screen warning.

WORK IN PROGRESS - Designing the app.

The following content captured below showcases the stages and development of the ‘Epileptic Digital Cloud’ from its stages of first becoming an idea to resulting in an interactive app for user testing. Involving a great depth of research into a range of linking topics. Trial and error of the app through user testing, creating the apps brand and identity, mock ups and testing and app development in Adobe XD.

App Design - Epileptic Digital Cloud.


Introducing the Epileptic Digital cloud an app designed for gamers that suffer from epilepsy. (Play the video of the app prototype being used ) Running off the purpose of ‘keeping players with epilepsy safe is important’. To accomplish this, challenge the epileptic monitor gaming app will run off a system that will track the gamer with the disorder. While playing games without them having to worry as the app will provide a range of aspects to aid. Joining the app is very simple and easy


Type & Book Design


Chook on the Go