Typography and Print Series

The following Project is a result of completing the course Typography and Print as a University assignment. A book size of 6 by 9 inches was designed and a grid of 4 by 4 was used to create the final designed outcome. Typefaces that were put in place for the use of text in this project was Merriweather, Montserrat, Lora and Open sans. Merriweather being for the body text and the others for the displays. This is a student project with all copyright retained by the original authors Ellen Lupton, David Frej, Katherine McCoy, Josef Müller-Brockmann, and Beatrice Warde. This collection of essays on typography and layout has been collated for educational purposes only. This book is not intended for sale.

Work in progress - Type testing.

This is a student project with all copyright retained by the original authors Ellen Lupton, David Frej, Katherine McCoy, Josef Müller-Brockmann, and Beatrice Warde. This collection of essays on typography and layout has been collated for educational purposes only. This book is not intended for sale.

Book Design - Typography and Print series, Thoughts on Typography and Layout.


BUMPY BEATS - Product Range


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